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Donation Total: $100.00

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Donation Total: $100.00

Building Brighter Futures, One Mind at a Time

Transforming Learning, Inspiring Growth
The Pathway to Your Future Starts Here
Support the Ukrainian Crisis! We have a special fund for high impact Gives addressing Ukraine and refugees fleeing the country!

Under the Auspices of


HUMANNERA is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that practically promotes humanitarian values, with the vision to create a Collective World Culture which focuses on Environment preservation, on Humanity protection, and on Leadership enhancement, with the sole aim of improving the quality of people’s lives in the new era. At the core of all activities stands the Youth, the communities of young people who serve both as purpose drivers, as well as cultural catalysts.

HUMANNERA delivers its purpose through increasing Awareness, Active Participation, and Education in all social levels, in perfect alignment to ESG and United Nations Sustainability Goals.

HUMANNERA places the HUMAN in the center, supporting each one of us to develop a new MANNER in interacting with each other, so that all of us collectively design the new ERA, connecting all People for a Better World.

  • Protecting your local area and making it more climate friendly.
  • Taking government to court over climate-wrecking projects.
  • Fighting for environmental and social justice globally.


People for a Better World - The HUMANNERIAN tribe of human centric world leaders HUMANNERA believes that we are all leaders since the beginning of our lives. We are perfect creatures who are designed to live in harmony with nature, animals, and each other. The modern societies we developed are quite different from our natural state, focusing on materialism, ego, and fierce competition. This has a direct impact on the way we live our lives and on the impact we have on others and the planet. An unbalanced and aggressive society harms each one of us directly or indirectly.HUMANNERA proposes and promotes a more balanced, human centric, and sustainable way of life, where us people, exercising authentic self leadership, will be happier, healthier, and embrace our endless human potential.

HUMANNERA delivers an impressive
3:1 rate of giving back to society!


HUMANNERA offers pro-bono education to young people in the fields of Environment, Humanity, and Leadership. Young people enter the world of HUMANNERA with their own views, opinions, dreams and aspirations, and enhance their knowledge and soft skills, to be earlier equipped with the life skills that promote a humanistic world culture. For every membership in our NGO, for every educational activation organized for the corporate world, and for every executive participating in the leadership programs, 3 young people enroll in the HUMANNERA Youth Academy.



People for a Better World – The HUMANNERIAN tribe of human centric world leaders

HUMANNERA believes that we are all leaders since the beginning of our lives. We are perfect creatures who are designed to live in harmony with nature, animals, and each other. The modern societies we developed are quite different from our natural state, focusing on materialism, ego, and fierce competition.

This has a direct impact on the way we live our lives and on the impact we have on others and the planet. An unbalanced and aggressive society harms each one of us directly or indirectly.HUMANNERA proposes and promotes a more balanced, human centric, and sustainable way of life, where us people, exercising authentic self leadership, will be happier, healthier, and embrace our endless human potential.


HUMANNERA offers pro-bono education to young people in the fields of Environment, Humanity, and Leadership.

Young people enter the world of HUMANNERA with their own views, opinions, dreams and aspirations, and enhance their knowledge and soft skills, to be earlier equipped with the life skills that promote a humanistic world culture.

For every membership in our NGO, for every educational activation organized for the corporate world, and for every executive participating in the leadership programs, 3 young people enroll in the HUMANNERA Youth Academy.


HUMANNERA ENVIRONMENT develops awareness about climate change, zero waste and sustainability.
HUMANNERA HUMANITY develops awareness about inequalities and social injustice.
HUMANNERA LEADERSHIP advances and promotes human-centric leadership values and practices.
HUMANNERA YOUTH builds Youth Communities that serve as purpose drivers and cultural catalysts.


Our clients love working with us, just read what they have to say!

What We Do

We are focused on the most pressing environmental challenges

The world is changing dramatically, and the crucial years ahead will determine the health of the planet our children will inherit. We are focused on the most pressing environmental challenges:


  • The HUMANNERA Youth Academy Program will launch in Q2 2024 and aims to educate 300 young people per year.
  • List Item #2
  • List Item #3

  • Do you feel disconnected, in a world that changes fast and nothing can really get predicted?
  • Are you worried about climate change and its environmental effects?
  • Are you upset with social injustice and the humanitarian crises?
  • Are you concerned about who makes decisions for your future?
An integrated world requires an integrated self. Organizations and societies need people who have the skills and knowledge to make a sustainable difference. The HUMANNERA Youth Academy paves the way for your development and success, both professionally and personally. Connect with us to support you in getting the answers to your life’s most crucial questions!

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders, Today
Where Young Minds Thrive

support our work

Help us safeguard the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the places we treasure

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Donation Total: $100.00

Latest Donors


Gerald George

September 26, 2024

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vofqe mvgtb

September 15, 2024

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Rosario Dobie

April 19, 2024

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Lelia Wortman

February 16, 2024

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Leopoldo Bruner

February 16, 2024

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Ashely Kovar

February 16, 2024

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We Need Your Help to Save the Ocean!

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Plastic in Nature and What you Can do to Help

Help provide school uniforms to rural Cambodian student, which takes the burden off their families. Education is free in Cambodia, but there are requirements...

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Roy Filou
HUMANNERA Co-Founder Transformational Leadership Coach
Antonis Gavalas
HUMANNERA Volunteer Youth Academy Scientific Program Director
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With your support we can change the system and protect the future of people and planet.


Elena Georgana
Human Potential Activist
Roy Filou
Transformational Leadership Coach
Katerina Kapetanaki
Sustainability Expert
Thodoris Vafeiadis
Youth Academy Director
Antonis Gavalas
Youth Academy Scientific Program Director
Maria Theofilopoulou
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Gina Theofilidou
Administration Champion
Iliana Begleri
Graphic Designer

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+30 6948 660945